
Brushing Your Hair Extensions

Brushing your hair every day can be the best or the worst thing you do for your extensions depending on your technique and the tools used. Brushing and styling your hair needs to be done with some care, and you can learn a few tips below. But remember, some care is always a good idea, but ultimately Belbonita Hair is strong and gorgeous and you can style it however you choose — even dye it! Connect with us for your questions — and be prepared to be amazed by a hair solution you didn’t even dream was possible. 

How to brush extensions is common concern for many who have just had a set newly fitted, or who are wearing clip in hair extensions for the first time.  This is one of the most frequently searched questions in relation to caring for hair extensions, as many feel nervous about ruining the bonds, or damaging the hair extensions in some way by not brushing them correctly.

Brushing hair extensions need not be something you worry about with our top tips, as we will guide you through safe hair extension brushing and care.

Brushing Wet Hair Extensions vs Brushing Dry Hair Extensions

Brushing your hair extensions wet versus dry are two completely different processes.  Before we go into the steps you should take to brush your hair extensions without damage, let look at the 2 different techniques in detail.

Are Hair Extensions Weaker When Wet?

Yes, hair extensions and hair in general is weaker when wet, but this does not mean the hair shouldn’t be brushed when wet, it means that you need to be taking extra care to brush your hair extensions correctly so that they do not become damaged in the process.  Here at HairExtensionsBff we are all things hair extensions, and more important than not brushing your hair when wet is not leaving the hair tangled or in a condition that will make brushing difficult, therefore it is absolutely essential that you brush your hair extensions whilst the hair is still wet, in order to remove any tangles as quickly as possible.

How To Brush Hair Extensions (Wet)

Step 1: Once washed and out of the shower, you need to gently squeeze the excess water from your hair extensions with a towel, making sure not to rub or scrub the hair, as not only will this raise the cuticle, but it could also encourage tangling and matting depending on the quality of your hair extensions.

Now the excess water has been squeezed out we can begin to brush.

Step 2: Pull your hair extensions to one side, and hold the hair at the base of your neck in a low side-ponytail position.  Securing your hair extensions in this way will reduce any tension or tugging on the hair extension bonds or weft track if you are wearing permanent hair extensions.  If you have clip in hair extensions, gather the top of the clip into a bundle to form a ponytail as this will make the hair easier to brush. Starting from the bottom, using a wide tooth shower comb, slowly work through an inch at a time, working your way up the hair until you reach the top of the hair.

Step 3: Now that the bottom sections of the hair are tangle free, you can release the rest of the hair, slowly working your way up and stopping before the bonds.  If you are combing through clip in hair extensions you can work your way right up to the top of the clips.

Step 4: Once you reach the top, the larger knots should now have been removed, so it is time to now go in with a hair extension brush to work through some of the finer knots and to smooth the hair completely.  Take your dual bristle hair extension brush and again working from the bottom to the top, slowly work your way up inch by inch, gently brushing through any tangles.

Step 5:  If you are wearing permanent hair extensions, you can use your dual bristle brush right up and over the bonds.  It will glide over without tugging and pulling on the bonds, but you must still work gently. IF you are brushing through clip in hair extensions then you can use your dual bristle brush to work right to the top of the set.

Top tip:  Hair extensions are at their weakest when they are wet, so it is very important to brush you hair slowly and gently every time you wash your hair.  Rushing will lead to damage, so make sure you are setting enough time aside to dedicate yourself to doing it correctly.

How To Brush Hair Extensions (Dry)

Step 1: Pull all of your hair extensions to one side, securing with your hand at the base of your neck to form a ponytail.  Holding the hair in this way will allow you to brush the hair extensions without pulling on the bonds.

Step 2: Use a hair extension friendly brush, working from the bottom to the top inch by inch, not top to bottom.  By starting at the tips of the hair and working your way up to the root, you are removing each tangle an inch at a time, rather than pulling the tangles all the way down the hair.  This will prevent hair breakage, and if you are wearing permanent hair extensions such as pre bonded, micro rings or nano rings, this will reduce pulling and tugging on your hair extension bonds or weft.

Step 3: If you are wearing permanent hair extensions, once all tangles have been removed from your hair extensions, run your fingers in and around your bonds or weft track to make sure none have been moved or damaged whilst brushing.  For more information on how to untangle hair extension bonds, click here.

Top Tip: Depending on the quality of your hair extensions, daily brushing may be very simple, with minimal tangling, however if the quality of your hair extensions is lower, then you may find your hair extensions regularly tangle together.  If you have hair extensions that keep tangling together, carry a hair extension brush with you at all times.

Did you know…Hair extensions that become tangled often do so because of damage to the hairs cuticle.  By smoothing the hair cuticle with an oil based treatment, you can help to reduce how much your hair extensions tangle, as well as increasing shiny and softness.

Does Brushing Hair Extensions Damage The Quality?

Brushing your hair extensions can cause damage if you are not using the correct tools.  It is essential that your use a hair extension brush that has been designed specifically for untangling long and thick hair extensions.  You can read more about what to look for in the best hair extension brush here .

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Reference: [https://www.hairextensionsbff.com/hair-extensions/how-do-i-brush-my-hair-extensions/]